We’re looking forward to releasing our new documentary, A Voice from Deep Space.  In it we want to take a critical look at the rise of Atheism in the US.

As I’m sure many of you know, Atheism is the fastest growing religion in the US. This apparently sudden growth is really the result of decades, even centuries, of work by atheists who want to see religion eliminated. Richard Dawkins, the grandfather of the New Atheists, considers it child abuse to teach children religion. No longer do they merely want to be accepted as another philosophy, instead they want to move religion entirely out of the public square.

Our film will look at this ideology from the perspective of 4 scholars – a poet, a philosopher, a physicist, and a historian. Each of these extraordinary people have been fighting the atheistic ideology for years. Some were once atheists, others have always been faithful, but all have made a deep personal commitment to God and vowed to take up arms against this dangerous ideology.

A Voice from Deep Space is not a dry essay, rather it is a personal film. We look at the flaws in atheism, but also take a more careful look at faith itself. What is faith? And what happens when we truly decide to believe.

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